"We need to “go out”... to the “outskirts” where there is suffering, bloodshed, blindness that longs for sight, and prisoners in thrall to many evil masters; go out and give ourselves and the Gospel to others, giving what little we have to those who have nothing, nothing at all."
Everyone has a vocation, a calling from God to live their life in a certain manner, and so the call to priesthood is an invitation to take part more fully in the life and ministry of Jesus. This call is discovered in a variety of ways, including prayer, participation in the life of the Church, and involvement with the People of God. The thought of being a priest may be one that has lingered in your mind for a long time. Sometimes the pull is strong and other times, not so strong; but, it keeps coming back. Alternatively, you may have had a powerful experience in your life that raised the priesthood as something you ought to do. Either way you have the sense that maybe you are being called to something remarkable, to the priesthood. If you believe you have heard God calling you to become a priest, don’t ignore it. Instead, take the time to consider what God is asking of you; pray about it, and listen for God’s response.
Some know when they are very young that they want to become a priest; others realise it later in life, sometimes after getting a degree, starting a career, or even after having spent some time in the workforce. Some who hear God’s call to the priesthood act on it right away, but most, like the prophet Samuel and Apostle Andrew, need a little encouragement.