Take the First Step
"With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"
Matthew 19:26
Somebody gave you this link or you’re just curious to see what the priesthood is about?
Whatever your motivation or reason for reading this, the first thing to do is to stop and pray.
Take a few quiet moments each day and speak to the Lord.
• Sit in silence before the Eucharist.
• Go to Mass a little more often.
• Read the scriptures.
Prayer is the essential first step.
So, you have been praying and the idea of priesthood won’t go away? So now you’ve decided to take a call to the priesthood a little more seriously? The next step is to actively discern.
Discernment means the ability to judge well, and in this case, to call on the Holy Spirit to lead or give direction to where God may be calling you. It means talking to a trusted friend, spiritual director or a vocations director to help you discern.
This can often be the most challenging step, but it will also be the most necessary step for you to find the answers to the questions that you have been asking.
Contact our Auckland Vocations Director - Fr Marchellino Park at St Mary's Parish in Mt Albert.
The final step involves putting your prayer and discernment into action. To follow the Lord’s call to the diocesan priesthood, will require many sacrifices and take a great deal of courage, but remember… “with God all things are possible.”
God, who chose the apostles to make disciples of all nations, and who by Baptism and Confirmation have called us to build up your Holy Church, we implore you to choose from among us, your children, many priests and religious who will love you with their whole hearts and will gladly spend their lives to make you better known and loved by all.
Through Christ Our Lord.