Discernment is the first step in coming to know if the Lord is calling you to serve him as a priest. Discerning a vocation is hard work, no doubt about it, and prayer is a must to help you seek out quiet in an otherwise noisy world. It can be especially tough if you've just begun to give thought to the priesthood. Simply figuring out how to pray and who to talk to are challenges in themselves. Added to that is the fear of what others might think, especially your family and friends. Perhaps the biggest anxiet is the requirement of celibacy; many dismiss the possibility of the priesthood over that single issue. Like marriage, it is not always easy to live, but a solid prayer life, healthy lifestyle, good friends, and careful judgment all help to make a life celibacy a beautiful example of generosity by the priest for the sake of the Church and the world.
While you are discerning God’s call (both before and during the seminary), the Church is also discerning. Not every man who thinks he should be a priest should actually be a priest. Being called to the priesthood requires more than just wanting to be a priest. You have to show that you’ve got the ability to learn the skills and the knowledge necessary to be a priest, as well as a desire to love and serve the people of God.